August 22, 2012

Lifestyle changes may prevent metabolic syndrome’s long-term effects


By Gerald Mancebo, MD, FACP Metabolic syndrome, formerly known as Syndrome X, is a relatively new name for a family of risk factors. Though metabolic syndrome is not by itself a disease, unless controlled these factors can lead to heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

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August 21, 2012

Headaches: most everyone gets them, but when they come frequently or are severe, consult your IMA physician


Headaches come in many varieties, from merely bothersome to debilitating. Common causes are stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, hormonal changes, certain foods, alcohol or even changes in the weather. Over-the-counter medicines effectively treat many everyday-type headaches, but others can be signs of an underlying health problem or be severe enough to require medical attention. It’s […]

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August 20, 2012

Adults need their shots too!


When it comes to vaccines, many adults are concerned only with their annual flu shot and the occasional tetanus booster. However, vaccines are not only recommended for children and adolescents. A number of newer vaccines, as well as heightened risks of some diseases, have raised the importance of adult vaccines. Talk to your IMA primary […]

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